President’s Message 

I began my career as the Activities Director at Foothills Presbyterian Communities in Easley in 2000 and started coming to the SCAPA conferences and workshops that same year. I currently serve Nazareth Presbyterian Church as their Christian Educator, working with all ages. I have been a SCAPA member for 24 years and in that 24 years I have served on the board in several capacities such as Parliamentarian, Piedmont District Rep, Professional Development Chair, Membership Chair, President, and Past President. I am currently serving again as President. I simply love SCAPA! I have not only made life-long friends, but I continue to learn from the many conferences and workshops that we provide. I truly believe that to be your best in the field of activities, certification and education are your strongest tools. It is my sincere hope that you feel a part of this wonderful organization and that you will thrive in this rewarding field. If you ever need me, please feel free to call me, text me or email me!

Amy Jackson, AAP-BC